We enjoyed a fun weekend with Blake and Jodi's family. They were in town for the graduation of Blake's niece, Jordan DeMille. Blake's dad and his wife were in town for the occasion. Also his sister Lauren, her husband Damon and their six month old daughter (what a cutie!). We were invited to Jordan's barbeque and had a good time visiting and eating lots of yummy food. Neil and I took Jacob, Curtis and Leighton home with us while Blake, Jodi and Ava went to the graduation. It was nice to have some "grandma time" with these great kids! Earlier in the day, we passed out fudgesicles, and were amazed at how far Ava was able to spread the chocolate over her face! We got a good picture, hopefully we can share! Jodi and I found some real bargains when we went yard-saling early Saturday morning! I got two pairs of shoes for $1.00! I also bought a stool to go with Kelli's makeup shelf (which reminds me, I still owe Jodi for that purchase!). Emily joined us for part of the time and also gave Jodi a haircut at her salon. Poor Blake got put to work helping Neil load and unload several bales of hay. It was a very hot day for any manual labor. We broke into the triple digits on Saturday.
Wish everyone could have stayed longer, but we appreciated the time we had and look forward to our next opportunity.
With our ward picnic on Friday night, the graduation barbeque on Saturday, a birthday picnic for Rose Thompson and her grandson Sunday and a FHE potluck tonight, that's four days in a row that I've had the blessing of sharing a meal with family and friends! It hasn't helped with my diet, but it's been wonderful!
We are really looking forward to Madi's baptism on Saturday! Matt says he'll be here from Portland and I'm excited to see him. Merrilee will be in Las Vegas where she's receiving some special recognition from her work. More family time....FABULOUS!!
Ashton "talked" to me for a few minutes during my phone call to Lezlie. She says he's getting braver all the time with his walking. She also reported that Ethan feels really good about the last test for his CPA! Way to go! Lezlie said she was a little "starstruck" when she had the opportunity to talk with Jamie Lee Curtis at a local rec center. How exciting!
Shaneil was tired last night, but enjoying some quiet time after getting all her munchkins in bed for the night. I am anxious to see them when I stay with my dad next week while Brian and Ilean are out of town.
Fun pictures from the Risenmay's! Thanks for sharing!